19 Second-order Correlation Residuals
In a second-order factor model (Chapter 17), \(\mathbfΦ\) has the structure of a factor model. In a structural regression model, \(\mathbfΦ\) has the structure of a path model (Chapter 18). In both models, one might want to have information to guide re-specification of the second-order part (i.e. the model for the (first-order) common factors). Correlation residuals provide this information.
Correlation residuals for the higher-order part are the differences between the model-implied factor correlations, and the correlation matrix of common factors (\(\mathbfΦ\)) from the measurement model (without a higher-order model).
To obtain them in lavaan
, you have to run a script for the measurement model first (Chapter 14), and save the covariance matrix \(\mathbfΦ\) in an object. Then, after running the higher-order model or SR model, the correlation residuals can be calculated.
We will show the additional commands that could be added to Script 17.1 and to Script 18.1, to calculate the correlation residuals of the second-order part of the hierarchical factor model and the structural part of the SR model respectively. Before using this script, we ran a script with the measurement model (Script 14.1), and saved the matrix with the covariances between common factors (\(\mathbfΦ\)) to the object:
phi <- lavInspect(saqmodelOut, "est")$psi
Then, we ran Script 17.1 and we calculate the model-implied \(\mathbfΦ\) matrix of the second-order factor model (see also Script 17.2), with:
## calculate model-implied covariance matrix first-order factors
Estimates <- lavInspect(saqmodel2ndOut, "est")
factor1names <- c("Motivation","Satisfaction","SelfConfidence")
factor2names <- c("Attitudes")
lambda2 <- Estimates$beta[factor1names, factor2names, drop = FALSE]
theta2 <- Estimates$psi[factor1names, factor1names]
phi2 <- Estimates$psi[factor2names, factor2names]
phi_2nd <- lambda2 %*% phi2 %*% t(lambda2) + theta2
The correlation residuals are then calculated by standardizing the two \(\mathbfΦ\) matrices, and subtracting the \(\mathbfΦ\) matrix of the second-order factor model (phi_2nd
) from the Φ matrix of the measurement model (phi
corres2nd <- cov2cor(phi) - cov2cor(phi_2nd)
To calculate the correlation residuals for the structural regression model, we ran Script 18.1 and we calculate the model-implied \(\mathbfΦ\) matrix (see also Script 18.2), with:
# calculate model-implied covariance matrix of common factors
Estimates <- lavInspect(saqmodelSROut, "est")
factornames <- c("Motivation","Satisfaction","SelfConfidence")
# Reorder parameter matrices and store them in separate objects
beta <- Estimates$beta[factornames, factornames, drop = FALSE]
psi <- Estimates$psi[factornames, factornames]
iden <- diag(nrow(beta))
# Calculate model-implied covariance matrix of factors (phi_SR)
phi_SR <- solve(iden-beta) %*% psi %*% t(solve(iden-beta))
The correlation residuals are then calculated by standardizing the two \(\mathbfΦ\) matrices, and subtracting the \(\mathbfΦ\) matrix of the SR model from the \(\mathbfΦ\) matrix of the measurement model.
corresSR <- cov2cor(phi) - cov2cor(phi_SR)
Like with the first-order correlation residuals, we can use some R functions to find the correlation residuals higher than .10, and to find the largest correlation residual.
abs(corresSR) >= .10
corresSR == max(abs(corresSR))